Hold on, we need a second, because we're a bit speechless.
But seriously, WOW.
Ok, ok. We can pull it together here. The Kickstarter has reached the end of its funding period, and to say it was a success is an understatement. Your enthusiastic and generous support of our campaign has blown us away. When we first come up with this Kickstarter scheme, we crossed our fingers, knocked on wood, sacrificed the occasional goat--anything to help our chances in reaching our minimum $18,500 funding. You guys got us there, and then you kept on going. You didn't even seem to care that we'd run out of goats.
The final number? $23,096. Excuse us if we're slurring, but our jaws are still on the floor.
“Thank you” almost doesn't cut it. We are immensely grateful: for your time, for your generosity, for your consideration, and for believing in this project. It means more to us than we can fully express in the confines of an open letter on the internet.
And so we're going to take all this dumbstruck energy and excitement and we're going to channel it into making the best goddamn book we possibly can. Because those who give deserve to receive, and we give back with interest.
With this nearly $5,000 overfund, we now have the tools to do just that. We know that the extra funds will go into something good, be it extra pages, a larger book, etc., and we hope that come April, we will wow you just as much as you've wowed us. It's a tall order, but we're up to the challenge.
If you're interested in watching the final video, Oliver has graciously combined his serial pieces into a compact Tiny Documentary. If you have the sixteen minutes and twenty five seconds to spare, we promise it'll be worth your while:
Please stay tuned for updates on the book as it comes together. Mark your calendars for the first Friday in April when the book will be released alongside Jake's solo show at Newspace Center for Photography in Portland. Come on by the opening if you can; we hope to one day shake your hand and thank you in person. Hugging is likely.
Best regards for the new year.
Blue Mitchell, Katt Janson, Oliver Ogden, and Jake Shivery